How to turn of the Auto-Update of PlayStore apps

How to close upoate in android

There is a frustrating moment which almost every Android user experience is that whenever you connected to the WiFi or internet data, Playstore apps
start updating. This consumes data as well as slowed the internet speed. In this article i will guide you how to turn of the auto-update of Playstore apps. Here are few simple steps below.

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Prefer to read through app permissions and manually pick which app updates to adopt? You can, but first you need to disable your automatic app updates. Here are the steps:
  1. Open Play Store and head over to Settings.
  2. Tap on Auto-update apps.
  3. Choose Do not auto-update apps.

How to turn off auto update in android
If you want to enable the auto updates, follow the same path and choose Auto-update apps at any time or via Wi-Fi (available for certain Android devices only).
To update your apps manually, just open Play Store, and on the main page swipe in from the left and tap on My apps. You can tap on apps with pending updates and update them manually, or if you like to update them all at once, just tap on Update All.

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